I’ve been using essential oils for a few years now and they’ve become an important part of my wellness routine in so many ways from mood and energy to skin and infections to sleep, joint & muscle recovery, and respiratory support, and so much more.

The most important things to know about essential oils are that:

1 – Essential oils are natural. They come from all parts of the plants: roots, resin, stem, leaf, bark, bud, flower, peel, and seed. It is distilled into into an oil which is the essence of the plant. The unique properties of of each oil interact with the body, mind, and spirit at a cellular level.

2 – Essential oils are safe. Pure, medicinal grade essential oils are safe and do not have negative side effects. If an oil isn’t working the way you want it to, it may simply mean that it’s not the best oil to use in that specific case. Be aware of diluted and synthetic oils. You will not receive the same results with inferior products.

3 – Essential oils can save you time and money. By having basic essential oils stocked in your home and ready to use, you can often save yourself a trip to the pharmacy or drug store. Many people have found that they feel better faster with essential oils.

Essential oils may be used aromatically, topically, or ingested internally. It really depends on the purpose. To enhance mood, you would want to use it aromatically. To get relief from sunburn or insect bite, then it would only make sense to use it topically. A drop of frankincense under the tongue for cellular renewal is an example of internal use.

A great way to get started is with these 10 basic essential oils to support wellness and daily restoration of body, mind and spirit. Click on each link for more information and a little video about each oil.

  1. Tea Tree Oil/Melaleuca This oil is first because if I could only take one oil with me on a trip, this would be it. It’s anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-parasitic regenerative, and more. I don’t like to lose a second of any adventure having to go to the pharmacy for something small. Tea tree is great to prevent infections on small abrasions, offers relief from sunburn, and can even “nip in the bud” that little tickle in the throat that you don’t want to grow into a full blown virus.
  2. Lavender Oil – Lavender is usually the first oil someone thinks of in reference to essential oils and with good reason. Lavender is well known to promote feeling of calm and anxiety to support peaceful sleep. It is also an anti-histamine, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used for bug bites and sunburns.
  3. Peppermint Oil – the invigorating properties provide a welcome boost of energy, alertness, and clarity. Peppermint oil is also known to support relief from headaches, and is also frequently as as repellent for both insects and rodents.
  4. Lemon Oil – promotes a fresh, positive mood, and is often used for cleaning and purifying both air and surfaces.
  5. Oregano Oil – a powerful oil with anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties, strongly supports immunity. It is known to be an enhancer and equilizer. Take care to dilute the oil and only very little is needed; it’s very potent and is a “hot” oil.
  6. On Guard Protective Blend On Guard supports healthy immune response and has the potential to enhance circulation and the body’s natural antioxidant responses. It can be energizing an uplifting. Contains Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary
  7. Breathe (Air in EU/UK)Respiratory Blend Promotes maintenance of airways and comfortable respiration. Contains Laurel, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Lemon, Cardamom.
  8. DigestZen (ZenGest in EU/UK)Digestion Blend – helps to soothe upset stomach and promotes healthy digestion. Many have reported relief from bloating, gas, and indigestion when using this blend. Contains Ginger, Peppermint, Caraway, Coriander, Anise, Tarragon, and Fennel.
  9. Deep Blue – Soothing BlendI like to exercise because I like the results, but I don’t like the soreness after. This beauty of a blend soothes muscles and joints and has the potential to decrease recovery time. Use together with Deep Blue rub for even more relief. Contains Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum (Everlasting), Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus.
  10. Frankincense – I saved the best for last. Frankincense is known as the “King of Oils” and has a history of such value and reverence such that that it came along side gold as a gift to the newborn baby Jesus in the Christian Christmas story. Frankincense will add “super power” to any oil that you. It has so much complexity and potential that if you are ever unsure what oil to use, Frankincense will almost always offer some improvement that you are looking for. If I could only have ONE oil ever, Frankincense would be a very strong contender.

The best value for all of these oils is in the Home Essentials Kit.

Click here to learn more about my favorite oils.

If you are interested in learning more about essential oils and which ones would be the best for you, email me at sheila@restorativelife.com and we will set up a brief wellness consultation.