The systems in the body are largely directed by our hormones which all interact with each other. One hormone out of balance will be disruptive to the whole system. It’s beyond the scope of this article to describe each one, but hormones are responsible for virtually all of the functioning of the body as well as regulating hunger, mood, alertness levels and more.

When considering how to support hormone heath with essential oils, it requires a little detective work. We want our hormones to be in balance, but that’s not enough. What symptom or problem do you want to solve? Once that is identified, then you can use essential oils in a targeted and intentional way to support your whole system.

Before we get to all the fun oils, let’s review the basics because no matter what oils you use, they will work at their best when you are participating to do your best for your health too. Remember that symptoms come to the surface when we are out of balance in some way and restoring full balance most often requires an alignment of body, mind, and spirit. While physical discomfort and manifestations may point to a hormone imbalance, our mental and spiritual wellness effects out hormone heath too.

Consider the quality of your:

  • Sleep – Regular, restorative sleep is the foundation of wellness and vitality. Next week’s essential oils spotlight will focus on sleep. For now, pay attention to your sleep habits and read more about sleep in a past post, Reclaiming Sleep
  • Hydration – It’s super important to be well-hydrated. Water is a conductor and our hormones can’t send messages throughout the body efficiently if we are dehydrated.
  • Movement – Move as much as you can ALL DAY LONG. More  frequent smaller movements throughout the day is better than sitting ll day and then doing a “workout”. This includes several short walks throughout the day potentially having a greater result than one longer walk. Read Exercise less – MOVE MORE! to learn more about the importance of movement.
  • Diet – Eating a diet rich in whole foods with vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats will go a lot way to supporting optimal hormone balance. This is especially important if you are experiencing bloating and digestive discomfort. Consider participating in my upcoming Spring Cleanse. Details available in next week’s email.
  • Relationships – Our hormones interact with our emotions in a variety of ways and can trigger physical symptoms. Look for patterns and notice how you feel in your body in context of your relationships and interactions with others during the week.

Top oils to support women’s hormone heath:

ClaryCalm – this is a lovely blend that includes Clary Sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood, Geranium, Fennel, Carrot Seed, Palmarosa, and Vitex. It comes as a rollerball. You can apply it to perfume points or even directly onto the abdomen when experiencing discomfort during the monthly cycle.

Clary Sage is one of the sacred essential oils especially pertaining to women. It helps connect to our female intuition and promotes a sense of calmness and clarity.

Balance Grounding Blend is my favorite and I use it every day. This oil supports stability as we go experiences transitions in our days, weeks, months, and over the course of our lives.

For Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Peppermint Oil is the classic cooling oil and can be used during the day. While, I suggest caution using at night as it can also be stimulating, I have heard reports of peppermint oil improving night sweats and overheated feet during the night.

Other cooling essential oils are found in aromatic florals, the most intense “intoxicating flowers.” These can be applied to temples, back of the neck, wrists, bottom of feet, diffused into a room, or added to a bath.

Neroli When I lived in Southern California during high school, spring was a memorable time of year when the whole landscape was saturated with the intoxicating aromas of the orange blossoms. Essential oil of neroli is extracted from the flowers of the bitter orange trees, also known as Seville oranges and native to Southeast Asia. Neroli helps to clear the heat and relaxes the nerves. It’s also a very uplifting aroma.

Helicrysum This precious oil from the aromatic shrub and is also known as Everlasting or Immortelle. Besides being cooling, it is anti-inflammatory and helps to clear energy blockages in the body, physical and emotional. It is commonly used for bruising and related pain.

Geranium – While we may be familiar with the hearty flowers of the perennial shrub geranium, the essential oil is actually extracted from the flowers and the leaves. Like the other flowers, it is cooling and relaxing. It is good for the skin and has anti-fungal properties and encourages healthy circulation.

Ylang Ylang – Ylang ylang are big, beautiful tropical flowers grown in Southeast Asia and Madagascar. One day I hope to experience this aroma in all of its glory. Also cooling, this is a very special oil that encourages playfulness, positive emotional connection, and generally considered supportive of releasing tension and stress and is nurturing to the heart. Watch this video of the Ylang Ylang harvest in Madagascar

Mood Swings:

For information about mood swings, anxiety, and depression, please refer to Essential Oils for Emotional Wellness.

For Insomnia:

Look out for next week’s post on Essential Oils to support restorative sleep. In the meantime, if lavender doesn’t quite cut it for you, then I suggest trying cedarwood, clary sage, or bergamot. These can be diffused in the room or rubbed on the feet at bedtime.

The best way to support hormone balance it really about doing an inventory of your life and making continual adjustments over time. Hormones don’t get out of balance overnight and are unlikely to be corrected over night. Look for signs of progress however small along the way.

Click here to learn more about my favorite oils.

If you are interested in learning more about essential oils and which ones would be the best for you or someone in your family, email me at and we will set up a brief wellness consultation.