Hi there friends! I hope you enjoyed a your Spring feasts of Passover and Easter the past couple weekends. Now that we are moving into a new season, it’s time for a little reset week to get Spring and summer off to a great start. I always look forward the sunshine and the tank tops and sundresses and I want to feel good and look good for the season.

Let’s talk about the upcoming 5-Day Spring Cleanse. This year, I’m doing will a 5-Day session in each season to maintain momentum and continuity in our health. Just like a car needs a regular tune-up and our windows need washing a few times a year, our bodies need important maintenance attention too. We get started next week, so be sure to sign up and take advantage of the early bird discount. Sign up by midnight on April 9 to save £20. Use the code SPRING20


You may be wondering whether the new 5-Day Detox is a good fit for you. Here are some answers to the most common questions  just in case you’ve been wondering about this, too.

How do I know I need to detox?

A few signs of needing a detox are fatigue, low mood, headaches, skin problems, and excess fat, especially in your belly. But the truth is that if you just aren’t feeling that great, a detox can help. We live in an increasingly hectic and toxic environment, and taking time for high-level self-care like a detox can make a huge difference in your energy, mood and even your body shape.

What will happen during the detox?

You’ll get a step-by-step guide of what you’ll need to do every day on this detox. We’ll focus on eating high-nutrient foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, and some whole grains. We’ll cut out processed foods, dairy, and sugar. The first few days you might feel a little off as your body gets used to the new things you’re eating, but by the end of the week you’ll likely feel amazing – scroll down to read what a few past clients have said about the experience:

How do I know it will work for me?

Literally dozens of people have participated in my reset or programs. I’ve had people tell me that they’ve dropped weight, slept better, had more energy, pooped better, felt less grumpy, and even had whiter teeth. I can’t guarantee that it will work, but it’s a safe bet that you’ll see positive improvements after 5 days. And, if you don’t, let me know, and I’ll refund your money.

Here’s what a few people had to say after working with me:

“The recipes were tasty and easy to follow. I know I should eat better and I don’t always have the discipline to do it on my own. The 5-Day Detox was a great jumpstart to get back into healthier food choices, and I’m amazed how good I feel after just 5 days!”
-Amruta, Business Analyst

“I was surprised at how easy it was to follow the plan. I like carbs, sugar, and wine, but once I made it past the first couple of days, my body responded and I found it easy (mostly!) to make healthy choices. Sheila’s support and the bite-sized chunks of information meant that I wasn’t overwhelmed up front. My stomach felt noticeably less bloated and I lost weight. I felt energetic and unlike other challenges, I wasn’t eager to go back to my old eating patterns because I felt better!”
-Sara, Graduate Student

“Sheila has a wealth of knowledge and experience. She is able to think outside of the box and will continue to research and find solutions until an issue is resolved. I look forward to the 5-Day Detox because I know it’s just what my body and my mind need.”
-Jeannette, Sound Engineer

“I was in a rut with some unhealthy eating habits, so the 5 day winter detox came along at just the right time. We can do just about anything for 5 days, Monday to Friday, so it didn’t seem so daunting. With Sheila’s advice and support, I was able to go without the foods that were causing me problems while continuing to feel energised and in control. I finished the week several pounds lighter, feeling empowered and so proud of myself. I don’t think I would have been motivated to follow such a regime on my own, but the group was a good support system. The detox was just the kickstart I needed to get my healthy lifestyle back on track.”
-Marilyn, Community Activist

“I really appreciated this detox.  I was not able to do it exactly as suggested, but it did give me new ideas for what to eat and how to exercise.  I liked having something new to try every day.  It kept my mind on my health.”
-Christina, Special Education Teacher


Sign up by midnight on April 9 to save £20, which means you’ll pay just £59 instead of the £79 retail price. Use the code SPRING20

In case you missed it, when you sign up, you’ll get:

  • A complete suggested meal plan
  • New recipes to celebrate Spring
  • Simple easy to follow recipes that are suitable for the whole family
  • A shopping list so you can hit print and head to the grocery store
  • A detailed daily protocol so you’ll know exactly what to do and when
  • Recommended supplements to take during the detox
  • Easy lifestyle hacks to enhance the detox experience
  • Pre-Detox Training Call
  • Support and daily feedback from our members-only online forum. We’ll definitely be there to tell you to walk away from the cookies.

Get into the Groove of SPRING AND REGISTER HERE.

Let me know if you have any questions, I’m here to help. Do you know someone who’s been wanting to to try a new program, but not sure where to start? This detox is totally suitable for beginners all the way on up to those who have previous detox experience. My goal is to support at many people as possible for this experience and I can only do that with your help, so please share this opportunity with your friends and family members.

Find out more about the 5-Day Spring Cleanse Here.

I hope you will join us, I’m getting excited. Be sure to use the code SPRING20 to get £20 off you registration.



P.S. If you’re on the fence, I encourage you to take a chance and sign up for this 5-day cleanse. The foods are filling and yummy, there’s tons and tons of support, and you won’t be miserable or hungry – I promise. And, if you don’t end up having a great experience, just let me know and I’ll refund your money. Give yourself a much-deserved week of self-care and sign up here: