As you may already know, essential oils are useful across many areas of our health, supporting and enhancing our goal towards optimal wellness of body, mind, and spirit. The unique molecular composition of essential oils allows it to penetrate our cells in a way that cannot be achieved by other means. Essential oils are able to cross the blood brain barrier which gives them a “back door” entrance to support brain health and clear blockages.

If you are interested in learning more about essential oils and specifically, which ones would be the best for you, email me at and we will set up a brief wellness consultation.

In terms of lack of energy, focus, & concentration we know what needs to be done and are struggling to do it. I’ve even experienced this while finishing writing this blog post. When that happens, I have a few go-to that help me to get the job done.

To make the most of essential oils, it’s best to be very intentional about picking the best one for what you are trying to achieve. It also helps to go a little deeper. Ask yourself, why am I experiencing this problem? It may be rooted in the body, the mind, or the spirit. For example, if you have a headache that is distracting your work, is the headache a physical problem due to dehydration or possible having missed a routine caffeine fix? Is it mentally associated coming from stress or too much work to do and feeling of overwhelm? Or does it have a spiritual or emotional root such as a heated discussion with a co-worker of family member, feeling depressed or holding onto anger, guilt, or a need to grieve a loss? There are many sources of what we are experience in the body, and when exploring the best solution, it can really help to consider the source.

Let’s stick with the headache example. The classic essential oils to support a headache is peppermint oil and that’s a great place to start. And then, if it’s due to dehydration, get some water to drink. If it’s due to stress and overwhelm, maybe a walk or a meditation session will provide relief; and if it’s due to a personal interaction or intense emotions, then journaling, talking with a close friend, listening to music, or soaking in a bath may help.

Now that you have a little more information about choosing the oils, here are my top choices to increase energy, focus, and concentration, all important to increase confidence and productivity!

***Note: Thank you for your patience as I continue to update the links to each oil which has been unusually slow due to server issues that are out of my control.***

Essential Oils to boost energy

The best way to use essential oils for energy is to inhale the aroma. This can be done through a diffuser in the room, inhaling directly from the bottle, rubbing a drop or two on the hand and then inhaling, and applying on the body to pressure points on the wrist, temples, around the jawline, or across the back of the neck.

Essential oils that boost energy levels come from robust herbs and citrus oils. The robust herbs come from from the leaf of the plant and are full of life force that has come from the process of photosynthesis converting powerful energy from the sun into the plants. This is the part of the plant that has broken through the soil and grown and developed ready to be celebrated and used.

  • Peppermint Place one drop of Peppermint essential oil in the palm of hand with one drop Wild Orange oil and one drop Frankincense oil and inhale for a mid-day pick-me-up. This little act takes a few seconds and works wonders.
  • Motivate Encouraging Blend Together with Balance, this is one of my favorites. This beautiful blend of peppermint and citrus with the serious infusion of Melissa creates a truly powerful blend. When I need to put my head down and get productive this blend helps me get motivated to get in there and get it done. I roll it right on my wrist or temples and it helps shift me into “the zone”!
  • Breathe Respiratory Blend – This blend contains a beautiful blend essential oils including Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Cardamom, Ravintsara, and Ravensara. I find it just clears the air and helps get things into focus and energize what needs to be done.
  • DIY Blend: Peppermint + Lemon + Ylang Ylang – This is a favorite little blend of mine to diffuse. The lemon can be interchanged with any citrus. The ylang ylang adds a creative and playful element to the peppermint and lemon.
  • Citrus Oils: Wild Orange, Lemon, Tangerine, Grapefruit – Citrus oils are known to be energizing and uplifting. If your lack of energy is due to a low mood, then it’s best to focus on citrus oils and citrus blends.
  • Citrus Bliss Invigorating Blend This is the best example of how uplifting citrus scents can be. I can’t imagine how it’s possible to inhale these aromas and not smile and feel some level of contentment.
  • Cheer Joyful Blend– This is a great citrus and spice blend. This is a great blend if your lack of energy is coming from a low mood and the “spice” in the blend can support inspiration. Apply to to pressure points (which are often the same a perfume points) throughout the day for support.

Essential oils for Concentration + Focus

The best oils for deep focus and concentration come blends with a base of trees, roots, and resins and supported with herbs. Imagine the job of the seed, to become rooted in the soil, to trust, to grow slowly towards the light. And the job of the tree, to be sturdy and support the branches and blossoms. And the resin, to overflow with wisdom from the stresses put upon it. The essential oils from these parts of the plant help it to be grounded in the work that needs to be done and eliminate distractions. Set an intention of what needs to be done and experiment to see which essential best supports you with your tasks.

  • InTune Focus Blend A powerful blend of Amyris, Patchouli, Frankincense, Lime, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Roman Chamomile essential oils to boost focus. Apply topically to the back of the neck, on temples, and bottoms of feet.
  • Thinker – Focus blend for all ages  Ideal for everyone and for daily use, Uplifting blend features Vetiver, Peppermint, Clementine, and Rosemary perfectly combined with Fractionated Coconut Oil for sensitive skin. Supports the ability to pay attention and convenient for kids of all ages to use when focus is required.
  • Rosemary Well known as the Herb of Remembrance, students used to put a sprig of rosemary behind their ears when studying for exams to enhance memory. Rosemary works very nicely blended with bergamot or tangerine and diffused in a room.
  • Vetiver – This root and grass is known for its earthy and exotic aroma that helps you to be well rooted in the task at hand.
  • Frankincense – Known as the “King of Oils” Frankincense has a long practice of sacred and therapeutic uses. Add a drop to super-power a diffuser blend or apply to the bottom of feet or on acupressure points.
  • Balance Grounding Blend is my favorite and I use it every day. In terms of focus and concentration, it helps the mind to focus on what’s most important and eliminate distractions.
  • Cedarwood – With a nutty and woody aroma, cedarwood creates a calm and relaxing environment.
  • Peace Reassuring Blend  – powerfully supports moving through intense emotions and arriving at a space of peace and clam.
  • OnGuard Protective BlendWhile we tend to associate OnGuard with physical immunity, it can also be quite protective in context of mental, spiritual, and spiritual wellness too. It’s a special blend of citrus, spice, trees, and herbs to uplift, inspire, ground, comfort us and allow all the space we need to for focus and concentration. I use this one together with Balance on my feet to start my day each morning.

A great place to start and the best value for starting a collection of oils is in the Home Essentials Kit.

Click here to learn more about my favorite oils.

If you are interested in learning more about essential oils and which ones would be the best for you, email me at and we will set up a brief wellness consultation.