Enjoy the summer picnics and barbecues without the sugar and the hangovers by making simple mocktails.

Be aware that many mocktail recipes are vaguely “better for you” than the real thing when they are filled with all kinds of sugars and syrups.

Simple and fresh is best. All you really need is herbs, light fruits, herbal and black teas, and some sparkling water. There are plenty of opportunities to get creative and try something new. And an added bonus – the whole family can enjoy them!


  1. Lime Spritz – Add the fresh juice of 1/2-1 lime to a glass, then fill with sparkling water. (Ice is optional). Enjoy. I used to make this for the family with taco night for a refreshing treat. May be used with lemon also, which will be much tangier!
  2. Iced Tea – Swap out your cuppa for an iced version this summer. This is a real chance to get creative and try some of your favorite teas iced. There are some great fruity teas out there with peach, apple, berries, and more. One of my favorites in summer is iced hibiscus tea – which has the bonus of stress reduction with its anti-cortisol properties. And of course don’t forget the green tea which is very popular in Japan.
  3. Infused Water – Infused water is great, especially in summer, because it prevents bloating, which is the opposite of alcoholic drinks. Simply add a few slices of fruit or vegetable and sprigs of herbs and you will have a nice infusion in as little as a couple of hours. Some of my favorites are:
    • Lemon and rosemary
    • Basil and black peppercorns (This one is especially good to curb cravings.)
    • Cucumber and mint
    • Strawberry and basil
    • Blackberry and ginger
    • Blueberry and orange
    • Watermelon (or other melon) and mint
  4. Mojito Mocktail – many drinks can be made simple into mocktails by eliminating the alcohol and this one is a perfect example. Add the lime and mint to a highball glass and muddle. Add ice and sparkling water. Similar to a lime spritz with the added element of mint!
  5. Blended fruit – Throw your favorite summer fruits in the blender with a splash of juice and some ice end enjoy the refreshing flavors.