It’s that time of year again that I feel ready for a reset. One of the keys to my sustained success with maintaining a healthy diet is by having periods throughout the year that I really focus on what I’m eating and paying attention to how my body is feeling. I used to do it just once a year in a longer chunk in January, but in recent years, I’ve been doing it several times a year for shorter periods of time. While a four-week or six-week program can seem daunting at the get-go, twenty-one days somehow feels a little more manageable and able to complete the course. The good news is that 21 days is long enough to make some changes in habits and be on the path to even bigger shifts toward your ultimate best self.

Let’s face it, we all know what we need to do and I know for me the more I spend focused time doing what I “should” be doing, the more that becomes the default in terms of daily choices related to food, movement, sleep, technology, and more. Knowing what to do isn’t good enough and isn’t going to give any results. What’s lacking for so many of us is DOING it. Have you been wanting to make some changes in your diet and lifestyle habits? Are you feeling sluggish after a long winter with plenty of comfort food? Want to feel fresh and energized for the long days of summer? Starting May 1, I’m offering a Free 21-Day Primal Challenge.

Join me for a Free 21-Day Primal Challenge starting May 1!

During the course of the 21 Days, you will receive daily emails exploring a variety lifestyle aspects including movement, diet, technology, sleep, stress, sunlight exposure, and  much more. You will learn the foundational tenants of Primal Health (aligns very closely with Paleo and also referred to as Ancestral Health). You will have an opportunity to see for yourself how this lifestyle supports our vitality and wellness based on science like biochemistry, molecular biology and nutrition; and is not really a “fad diet” after all. There’s a reason athletes, actors, CEOs, and celebrities and opting for primal, paleo, and keto diets (you’ll learn more about the nuances of these during the challenge.) Even the Queen of England is said to “sometimes go paleo”. While the Queen is not on a low-carb diet, she avoids starches when dining alone. “No starch is the rule,” said McGrady. “No potatoes, rice or pasta for dinner. Just usually something like grilled sole with vegetables and salad.” (Link to article here.

Truth be told, many years ago a close friend of mine was on a similar Paleo challenge with her gym. That got me curious. I went to the library and got a book to learn about it. Once I read about it, I decided that I couldn’t make all of those eliminations in my diet and I promptly returned it. As time went by, this diet kept coming onto my radar until eventually our family had some mental health issues that needed to be supported and we decided to give it a try. Fast forward to now, I’m certified as a Primal Health Coach and spent the last few years researching and learning why this works and how we can continue to improve our vitality each and every day. I have a vision to share what I’ve learned so others can experience to vast array of benefits available to us all.

This program reaches far beyond weight loss and I consider it to be a lifestyle program. This is about feeling good, feeling strong, reducing inflammation, clearing the brain fog, regulating a positive mood throughout the day, reducing stress, feeling rested, improved insulin sensitivity (potential to reverse pre-diabetes and T2 diabetes), improved memory, hormone regulation, healthy skin, improved GI function, reduced muscle and joint pain, and more. I won’t promise you will have all of this in 21 days, of course, but if any of these ring true for you, there is so much potential to support yourself with a nutrient rich diet and a more mindful perspective on daily routines of movement, sleep and other lifestyle habits.

Join me for a Free 21-Day Primal Challenge starting May 1!

In addition to the daily email message, you’ll be a part of a private Facebook Group to share experiences, ask questions, get recipe ideas, and know that you’re not alone in this challenge. This online community is a great way to both give and receive encouragement and accountability with others in the group. The group is private, so you’ll have the freedom to share within the group knowing that it’s a safe space to share both successes and also challenges. Many participants have found that they often same the same struggles and support each other to work through the tough patches. Most importantly, it’s a place to show up for yourself and participate with others. I’ll be posting some of my favorite recipes in addition to how to navigate restaurants and social occasions and answering any questions that you have.

Join me for a Free 21-Day Primal Challenge starting May 1!

Here’s what others are saying about the 21-Day Primal Challenge:

“I was surprised at how easy it was to follow the primal challenge. I like carbs, sugar, and wine, but once I made it past the first several days, my body responded and I found it easy (mostly!) to make healthy choices. Sheila’s support and the bite-sized chunks of information meant that I wasn’t overwhelmed up front. It was great to be able to share tips with the Facebook community too. After the 21 days, my stomach felt noticeably less bloated and I had lost several pounds. I felt energetic and unlike other challenges, I wasn’t eager to go back to my old eating patterns because I felt better!”
-Sara, Graduate Student

“I was skeptical at first to try yet another diet…until I lost almost 5 kilo during Sheila’s 21-Day Challenge. I found Primal Health to be an inspired nutrition and lifestyle behavior program that’s easy to slot into your life without drastically changing your daily routine. I’m very grateful for how Sheila has transformed my way of thinking about food by suggesting recipes, menu ideas, and ways to navigate all my food allergies. The best part: I’ve kept the weight off.”
-Susana, Financial Advisor

“I really appreciated this challenge.  I was not able to do it exactly as suggested, but it did give me new ideas for what to eat and how to exercise.  I liked having something new to try every day.  It kept my mind on my health.”
-Christina, Special Education Teacher

Join us for the challenge starting May 1. My goal is to our biggest group to date and spread the health far and wide. Your body is your vessel for all of things that you love to do in life, and it’s amazing how good you can feel when you are acting on what you already know to be the “right thing to do”. It’s a process and by joining me for 21-days, you’ll have some great tools to be more mindful about so many parts of your daily life that contribute to your overall well-being. Furthermore, this may be the last time that I’m offering the challenge for Free, so if you’ve been thinking about joining, now is the time. To sign up, click on one of the links, or complete for form included below.

Finally, if you know someone who would benefit or be interested in this program, please pass this on so they will have the opportunity to sign up too. Even better, consider doing the challenge together with a friend or family member. You’ll have each other and the Facebook group for an abundance of support and accountability.

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