***This post was originally published in February 2020 a few weeks before the global lockdown. We know a lot more now about immunity and wellness and the importance of taking care of ourselves. Even as we are increasingly vaccinated, you will always get a good ROI when it comes to supporting your health and wellness..***

Even without the global threat of the coronavirus, it’s that time of year that we want to fortify our immune systems and get through the final weeks of winter.

Assuming the obvious vigilance in hand washing and hygiene, here are the other basics that are important to attend to for a robust immune system. You’re probably already doing most of them already and the added confidence will provide an even greater boost!

1 – SLEEP really is the best medicine. We are exposed to all kinds of threats every day and our bodies are equipped for survival. While it may seem like a passive strategy, healthy sleep patterns and periods of deep restorative sleep are the best defense. Wired within our cellular structure, biochemical processes and circadian rhythms are programmed to get to work when the sun goes down so that we will wake up fresh when the sun comes up again the next day. Sleep really is worth prioritizing. Whatever you need or want to be doing, it won’t happen at all when you are sick, so be sure to get your zzz’s every night.

2 – EAT your Vitamins! Fill your plate with immune boosting foods full of vitamins and antioxidants. Fresh, local, organic produce is always best. Foods high in antioxidants and full of nutrition include: oranges, grapefruit, blueberries, spinach, sweet potatoes, turmeric, garlic, beets, bell peppers, broccoli, ginger, sunflower seeds, almonds, yogurt, poultry, chicken broth, and shellfish.

AVOID foods with refined sugars and alcohol when possible as they share metabolic pathways with important vitamins like vitamin C.

3 – MOVE your body. It’s not necessary to do intense workouts or rigorous sprints; however, moving is important in terms of immunity because it stimulates circulation and the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is an important part of the body’s immune system and has a large role in eliminating waste from the body. Lack of movement can cause the lymph to stagnate increasing the risk of infection. Brief sessions of full body stretching, short walks, taking the stairs, dancing to your favorite song, find something fun to incorporate movement into your day.

4 – REDUCE STRESS. It’s easier said than done, but stress is real and plays a massive role in immunity. When under stress, cortisol is released and important body functions cease to operate in order to direct more energy to manage the stressful event. Our immune response is reduced when under stress and is recovered once stress is controlled and managed. One simple way to reduce the body’s stress response is the stop and take deep breaths for a period of just 2 minutes. This short period of focusing on breathing will being the body back to a point of calm. Other stress reducing activities include a journaling, a chat with a friend, yoga, meditation, listening to music, a cup of chamomile tea, a walk in nature, or even a nap.

5 – LAUGH OUT LOUD! Really, do it, don’t just say LOL. Joy and laughter flood the body with the powerful hormone oxytocin boosting immunity through a sense of safety, security, and contentment. Even Greek tragedies and Shakespeare plays include a jester to provide comic relief to the story lest we wither too far into despair and sadness. It’s no different in our own lives despite the challenges and situations that we are dealing with. Go out and watch the latest comedy film, tell jokes, dress up in silly costumes, figure out what makes you laugh and include that in your weekly routine.

(originally published February 2020)