“Breath is the finest gift of nature. Be grateful for this wonderful gift.”
                                                                                      -Amit Ray

Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in and feel your lungs expand.
Breathe out, and feel the air exiting your body.
Breathe in deeply.
Exhale completely.

In less than sixty seconds, those three short breaths set off a cascade of health benefits in your body and mind. Do it for a full two minutes a couple times a day and you’ll wonder why you haven’t known this secret your whole life.

While we can survive for days without food, and hours without water, oxygen is an essential every minute of the day. Intentionally filling our bodies with life giving oxygen and releasing the toxic carbon dioxide throughout the day allows for a continual state of renewal of each and every system of the body.

The restorative practice of deep breathing…

…brings oxygen into the body, increasing energy.

…releases toxins during the exhale, leaving you feeling lighter.

…enhances the respiratory system.

…improves the cardiovascular system when oxygen circulates deeply in the body.

…lowers blood pressure.

…regulates heart rate.

…encourages better posture.

…promotes feelings of calm and relaxation by reducing stress in the central nervous system.

…improves digestion and supports healthy elimination.

…boosts immunity.

…releases muscle tension.

…relieves pain through the release of endorphins.

…improves libido.

…stimulates the lymphatic system.

…encourages better posture.

…increases focus and learning.

…allows clarity of thought and concentration.

…sparks creativity.

…relieves feelings of anxiety, depression, worry, anger, fear, and other negative thought patterns.

…improves mood.

…supports youthfulness.

Slow down and breathe to get on the fast track to your own optimal health.

Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.
-thich nhat hanh