What we are really talking about here is emotional wellness. That’s what we all want, right? And we want those around us to have emotional wellness too since emotions are contagious. We feel better when those around us feel better and vice-versa. It can be a vicious cycle. Some how we end up in a bad mood and then are annoyed at the bad mood and eventually it’s a downward spiral.

Essential oils are a great tool for move through challenging emotions with ease and bring more joy and positivity into our lives. In fact, emotional wellness is one place that they really gets to show their muscles. Aromatherapy received a surge of popularity in the 1990s as the therapeutic benefits of aromas became broadly recognized.

From an evolutionary point of view, the olfactory sense is the oldest of the senses and is connected to the limbic part of the brain referring to emotions, behaviors, and memories. It also houses the amygdala, which is responsible for the fight, flight, or freeze response. Smell is directly connected to the brain, while all of the other senses are routed through the circuitry of the central nervous system. Because the sense of smell is connected to emotions and memories, a simple smell has the power to trigger a cascade of emotions and vivid memories. It also has the power to support emotional wellness and stability in powerful ways that other interventions are unable to accomplish.

Essential oils interact in the body at a cellular level. Benefits can be noticed in as soon as 30 seconds after inhaling the aroma. As aroma comes into the body, the molecules are dispersed throughout within twenty minutes. They are metabolized just as and food, beverage, or medicine, and another “dose” will be required within 4-6 hours to sustain the desired effect.

Since our emotions are so rich with complexities, essential oil blends seem to be best suited for the job. Like the idea of “two or more gathered…”, the same is true for the oils and some combinations are known to have special synergistic properties that aren’t possible with the single oils, the sum is greater than the parts.

The word emotion stems from “energy in motion” and the oils support moving the energy through our bodies rather than repressing them which will eventually lead to blocked energy and some manifestation in the body. While we may resist dealing with uncomfortable emotions because, well, they are uncomfortable, the role of the essential oils as I have experienced them is to buoy this process. And while it may get worse before it gets better, essential oils tether the experience in safety and stability and light. You aren’t going down, but through and up.

It’s important that the essential oils are of therapeutic medical grade. Synthetic aromas not only do not provide benefits but have been shown to disrupt hormone balance.

The following are the blends that I have found most useful for myself and my family. Click on each on to learn more about the unique combination of essential oils that each contains.

Anxiety is usually related to worry about the future and things that haven’t happened yet. The imagination can really take over here and this can easily spiral out of control when it isn’t recognized and managed. The aromas of trees and support grounding the emotions back to stability while florals are calming and reassuring.

  • Balance Grounding Blend is my favorite and I use it every day.
  • Serenity Restful Blend is great to help calm down thoughts and emotions and get some restorative sleep.
  • Peace Reassuring Blend powerfully supports moving through intense emotions and arriving at a space of peace and clam.
  • Console Comforting Blend – This blend will always be special to me because it supported me through some of the darkest of times. I don’t prefer to categorize the oils like this, but it can be a helpful starting point. This blend is the top pick for grief, depression, and working through deep, low emotional states.

Depression is related to being stuck in the past and unable to move forward. It feels heavy and desperate, like there’s no way out. Citrus aromas are uplifting and support moving through the muck and out of the swamp. Spices are renewing and help to spark that passion and curiosity back to life.

  • Cheer Joyful Blend– This is a great citrus and spice blend and reminds me of the holidays. All of the blends come in diluted roller ball blends that are perfect for applying to pressure points (which are often the same a perfume points) throughout the day.
  • Citrus Bliss Invigorating BlendThis is the best example of how uplifting citrus scents can be. I can’t imagine how it’s possible to inhale these aromas and not smile and feel some level of contentment.
  • Passion Inspiring BlendThis blend is heavy on the spice to spark the “spice of life”. Enhances creativity and inspiration.

Moods regulation by nature varies from time to time and that can make it a moving target seeking stability as provided by the ancient, sacred oils like frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, and sandalwood.

  • Forgive Renewing BlendThis blend is all about grace and compassion and moving forward. Yes, we can acknowledge that we have been wronged or have wronged another, and then we move on. Tucking things away and not dealing with them put us on track to be unwell at some point in the future.

Best General Blends for Emotional Wellness

  • Motivate Encouraging BlendTogether with Balance, this is one of my favorites. This beautiful blend of peppermint and citrus with the serious infusion of Melissa creates a truly powerful blend. When I need to put my head down and get productive this blend helps me get motivated to get in there and get it done.
  • Elevation Joyful BlendI call this blend “happy calm” and when my kids were younger I would put diffuse it in the house when they came home from school and in the evening. One of my favorite things about using essential oils for emotional wellness is that it’s a tool and you get some control – and I love to be in control!
  • OnGuard Protective BlendWhile we tend to associate OnGuard with physical immunity, it can also be quite protective in context of mental, spiritual, and spiritual wellness too. It’s a special blend of citrus, spice, trees, and herbs to uplift, inspire, ground, and comfort us.

Interested in starting a collection, the Emotional Aromatherapy Kit is a great place to start. The Spa Kit is another great option.

Click here to learn more about my favorite oils.

If you are interested in learning more about essential oils and which ones would be the best for you, email me at sheila@restorativelife.com and we will set up a brief wellness consultation.