The new moon is time of renewal. With the dark moon, the landscape is un-illuminated creating a blank canvas for the coming two weeks. You can still celebrate a new moon bath with this recipe that I discovered many years ago and still use it each month.
This New Moon Bath enhances the release of that which no longer serves you and prepares you to be filled with new blessings to come:
  • Fill the bathtub with very warm water.
  • Add 1-2 cups of Epsom salts
  • Add 5 drops each of the following essential oils: Lavender, Clary Sage, Lemongrass, and Grapefruit
  • While soaking, close your eyes and imagine the salts and the oils supporting the release of toxins, clearing the debris and restoring your energy.
  • Take several deep breaths with complete exhalations.
  • Soak 20-30 minutes
  • Once you have finished your bath, pat yourself dry instead of rubbing with the towel so that some of the salt and oils remain. Then, take a few minutes to write in a journal and set an intention for what you want to create and invite into your life the next two weeks. ***Don’t skip this step, having cleared your energy, you want to be sure that it is being filled up with the energy that you want in your life.***
  • Can’t do a bath on the exact date? No problem, you can still get all the benefits of the new moon energy up to two days before or two days after the new moon each month.
  • Don’t have a bathtub? Add a few drops of essential oil to a hot shower, take several deep breaths inhaling the aromas and making complete exhalations to support the release.
  • Smile and give gratitude for taking the time for self-care and for the feeling of renewal.